Central SA
NC community mourns death of former Member of Parliament─── 12:05 Sun, 01 Aug 2021

Community members in the Northern Cape are mourning the death of former Member of Parliament and speaker of the Northern Cape Legislature, Jacobus Van Wyk, who passed away yesterday due to Covid-19 related complications.
Andrè Vries, his cousin, tells OFM News that Van Wyk was a profound man who did whatever he could for his community. Vries says Van Wyk passed away shortly after his older sister's death - also as a result of Covid-19 related complications.
Vries says that Van Wyk impacted many people's lives through teaching and his political involvement in the Northern Cape and Namakwa region.
Furthermore, Van Wyk’s death has affected many with Facebook posts conveying the sadness of his passing.
One Facebook post reads, “He was my MEC of the then Local Government department in the Northern Cape province when I was a District Executive Mayor. He gave me some advice that I still use today. He said if I want to stay away from factional battles and gossip of the ANC. I must go home after meetings and do my best not to attend smaller gatherings to relax or drink with comrades because that’s where trouble starts.”
According to an online article, provincial secretary Zamani Saul thanked Van Wyk for 17 years of service as a senior member of the ANC in the Northern Cape.
Van Wyk filled numerous political positions including being former Chief Whip in the Provincial Legislature.
Van Wyk’s former school, Steinkopf High School, where he was schooled and taught, conveyed their condolences and are mourning the loss of their beloved teacher.
OFM News/Lee Simmons