Central SA
Samwu lambastes non-payment of third parties─── LUCKY NKUYANE 08:48 Mon, 21 Jun 2021

The South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) has lambasted the non-payment of municipal workers' pension fund to third parties.
Samwu’s North West secretary, Vincent Diphoko, tells OFM News that over R30 Million is owed to the municipal workers by at least three municipalities including the Koster based Kgetleng River. He says despite the constant plea and engagements with relevant municipalities and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Tradition Affairs in the province their call seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
Diphoko claims that Samwu has since opened criminal cases against the accounting officers in those municipalities including Koster where municipal workers are on strike over the non-payment of their third party contributions.
“We have opened a fraud case against municipal managers in the affected municipalities because you can’t take my money and not pay it over to where it’s due. So we are still busy with relevant authorities for receiving the latest on the investigation matters as to how far it is,” he adds.
He says they "do not know what happened to the monies of employees and they would like to know what happened. In the province we have challenges in terms of non-payment of the pension fund, in particular, actually third parties”.
OFM News