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Win the ultimate backyard braai experience!

Win the ultimate backyard braai experience! Venue: Central South Africa

Friday Braai Days are back on OFM this September with your chance to win the ultimate backyard braai experience for your family and friends!

The OFM team will spend each Friday during Heritage Month at businesses in Central South Africa with ‘Braai Buddies’ Shandor Potgieter and Sam Ludidi.

Mid-Morning Magic with Yolanda Maartens will broadcast live from 09:00 to 12:00, with the party continuing with Shandor and Sam from 12:00 to 15:00.

  • 2 September | Homegrown Power Products 8 Forsman Street, Potchefstroom

  • 9 September | Econo Foods 168 Springbok Road, Bloemfontein

  • 16 September Ellaton Mining Supplies 144 OR Tambo Street, Klerksdorp

  • 23 September | Beefmaster 2 Carlstein Street, Kimberley

  • 30 September | Jonsson Workwear | 1 Petrus Bosch Street, Welkom

Make your way to any of the events above, spend R350 or more at the participating business, scan the QR code, upload your receipt and complete the entry form to go into the draw to stand a chance to win the ultimate backyard braai for 20 guests, hosted by OFM presenters, Shandor, Sam, Nico and Nikki, at your premises on 8 October 2022.

The Ultimate Backyard Braai Experience prize includes not only food and drinks, but will also see OFM’s presenters behind the decks, as well as the grill.

OFM will also draw one finalist at each Friday Braai Day activation, who will be awarded a R1000 grocery voucher.

The grand prize winner of the ultimate backyard braai will be announced on Monday, 3 October 2022.

Date: 30 September 2022

Time: 09:00 – 15:00

Venue: Shop 3, Welkom Park, 1 Petrus Bosch Street

This Friday is your last chance to win that Ultimate Backyard Braai Experience with OFM! To stand a chance, visit Jonsson Workwear on Friday, September 30.

Mid-Morning Magic broadcasts live from 09:00 to 12:00 and “Braai Buddies” Shandor and Sam continue with the party from 12:00 to 15:00.

Jonsson Workwear provides head-to-toe workwear solutions for all industries and all businesses, big or small. Jonsson Workwear Welkom will be giving away a R10 000 Jonsson Workwear voucher on the day. Find details in-store. Ts and Cs apply.

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