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Weird Wide Web - Janet Jackson's song crashes laptops

───   15:17 Mon, 22 Aug 2022

Weird Wide Web - Janet Jackson's song crashes laptops | News Article

In 1989, Janet Jackson released a video for her song Rhythm Nation. The video won a number of accolades, including a Grammy. But the video also somehow made any laptop crash whenever it played on it.

Imagine playing your favorite song and for some odd reason, every time it reached a certain point in the song, your laptop or computer crashes without warning. Turns out this is apparently what happened whenever people played Janet Jackson's hit, Rhythm Nation.  According to skynews, Microsoft's principal software engineer Raymond Chen, said in a blog post that  "A major computer manufacturer discovered that playing the music video for Janet Jackson's 'Rhythm Nation' would crash certain models of laptops,".

It was not just this manufacturer either. The investigation found that playing the music video also caused some of their competitors' laptops to crash.

But the weirdest discovery was yet to come.

It didn't even have to be the laptop that the music video was playing on. Simply playing the music video on one laptop could cause another close by to crash.

"It turns out that the song contained one of the natural resonant frequencies for the model of 5400 rpm laptop hard drives that they and other manufacturers used," explained Mr Chen.

The issue was similar to an opera singer being able to shatter a glass by singing a particular tone.

Because sounds are simply acoustic waves, there is a wavelength or frequency for each material that can create the most vibration, known as the medium's resonant frequency.

For the affected laptops - which were shipped in approximately 2005, according to a vulnerability report filed by The Mitre Corporation - that frequency was in the Janet Jackson music video.

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Mitre describes the issue as a security vulnerability which could allow an attacker to force the system to crash using the audio signal from the Rhythm Nation music video. Luckily this won't be the case if you play the video on any laptop these days as the issue was fixed. But just incase you want to see it for yourself, enjoy the video below. To read more on this article, click here.


Weird Wide Web - Janet Jackson's song crashes laptops:

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