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Weird Wide Web - Killer jellyfish living on Jupiter

───   15:11 Thu, 21 Apr 2022

Weird Wide Web - Killer jellyfish living on Jupiter | News Article
Giant jellyfish (Image: Female First)

Scientists say the conditions on the giant gas planet are perfect for the fearsome stinging creatures and they could be even more deadly than those found on Earth.

According to femalefirst, boffins studying newly-formed "gashes" on Greenland found that they are very similar to those found on Jupiter's moon Europa - which has long been of interest to alien hunters.

Greenland is a fertile breeding ground for the freaky jellyfish and scientists claim that Europa could be just as bountiful. 

Professor Dustin Schroeder, from California's University of Stanford, said: "Because it is closer to the surface - where you get interesting chemicals from space, other moons and the volcanoes of Io - there is a possibility life has a shot if there are pockets of water in the shell.

"If the mechanism we see in Greenland is how these things happen on Europa, it suggests there is water everywhere."

Below are some more facts about jellyfish and if you are interested in reading even more on this species, click on the picture.

Fast jellyfish facts:

Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Scyphozoa
Classification: Invertebrate
IUCN status: Not evaluated
Lifespan (in wild): One year
Weight: Up to 2kg
Body size: 2cm to 2m
Top speed: 8km/h
Diet: Fish, shrimp, crabs, tiny plants and even other species of jellyfish
Habitat: Oceans


Weird Wide Web - Killer jellyfish living in Jupiter:

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