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Conspiracy Corner - Possessed doll seen laughing and shaking its head

───   15:35 Wed, 20 Apr 2022

Conspiracy Corner - Possessed doll seen laughing and shaking its head | News Article

A woman has found a creepy doll, that seems to be possessed by something, laughing and moving its head in an abandoned building.

Posted on mirror.co.uk, urban explorer Gabby, 24, found the abandoned property online and decided to go to it with her boyfriend Sonny, 25, and her friend Dan.  Gabby did not disclose the location in the US, but said the institution was opened in the 1800s as a state-run facility for those with mental disorders, with the school accepting patients of all ages.  The school was allegedly shut down after multiple lawsuits due to negligent care and mistreatment of patients.

We know what you are thinking - why do people keep going into abandoned buildings then are surprised when they find creepy things, right? Well, we have no idea! The article continues, saying "The location was the first that Gabby ever visited, and she decided to revisit it recently, where she found it in a state of “severe decay”, with peeling paint, debris on the floor, and powdered asbestos covering the basement, and vandalism from its years of abandonment."  That's enough reading for now - below is the footage Gabby captured, which shows the doll moving its head around and if you listen closely, you can hear it laugh a bit.

Like any other "haunted doll" story, this would normally just have us moving on with life, not paying too much attention to it... but not this time! While browsing the web, we found a rather interesting 10-minute video that now has us believing that maybe, just maybe, the whole "haunted" or "possessed" doll theory might actually be based on dolls that actually existed. Still confused? Read this article and watch the video below, which might just help you make up your mind.


Conspiracy Corner - Possessed doll seen laughing and shaking its head:

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