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Weird Wide Web - Russian man arm wrestles a bear and wins!

───   15:19 Thu, 27 Jan 2022

Weird Wide Web - Russian man arm wrestles a bear and wins! | News Article
Russian man arm wrestles a bear

Russia is not known for being friends with the world. In fact, they often like to showcase how they can be better than the rest of the world.

They put the first man in space, everyone remembers the Sputnik Satellite, and of course their best invention, Tetris!  It seems that normal arm wrestling is also not for them.  Russian YouTuber, Kirill SaryChev has recently posted a video of himself, arm wrestling a bear, and winning. The video has since gone viral on platforms like Youtube, TikTok and Reddit. Whether it was the vodka that gave him the motivation to do this or his friends cheering him on, we will never know.

In the video the bear does look rather happy. Roaming around and just kind of chilling out with the guys. As he (the bear) is challenged by Kirill and his friends, he seems to want to playfully bite their hands. He does not seem bothered at all, to say the least. 

Although, one Reddit user did make a very valid point, that if the bear eventually gets bored it will proceed to maul them all.  The story goes deeper though. Although this bear does live in the wild, it was raised to be a circus bear. A humanitarian group rescued Tom the Bear and after rehabilitation let it roam free in the forest. He is still friendly towards humans though and receives a lot of guests that travel from far and wide to visit him, bring him snacks and take photos with him. He even has his own Instagram account that you can visit @tom.bear.tom.  Better safe than sorry, we at The Joyride, will rather stick to arm wrestling other human beings. Probably each other.


Weird Wide Web - Russian man arm wrestles a bear and wins!:

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