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Town of the week - Fouriesburg

───   16:23 Thu, 04 Nov 2021

Town of the week - Fouriesburg | News Article
R711 running between Clarens & Fouriesburg

Seeing that Aaron hasn't been able to fully explore Central South Africa due to the pandemic, he decided to take little tours at least once a week. He starts his journey in the Eastern Free State town of Fouriesburg.

The Eastern Free State town of Fouriesburg is in the scenic Brandwater Basin, surrounded by the Maluti, Rooiberg and Witteberg mountain ranges, on the border of Lesotho.  

It is named after Christoffel Fourie, on whose farm, Groenfontein, it was established in 1892. 

During the Anglo Boer War, it was declared the capital of the Orange Free State Republic – a proclamation yet to be rescinded! For more information on Fouriesburg, click here or here. 

Maybe your next adventure stop could be in Fouriesburg.  

If you would like Aaron to visit your town next, send him an email at aaron@ofm.co.za.

Maliba Lodge in Fouriesburg

Sandstone overhang at Meringskloof Nature Reserve in Fouriesburg.


Town of the week - Fouriesburg:

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