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Weird Wide Web - Airport runway with a hair-raising story

───   15:45 Thu, 20 May 2021

Weird Wide Web - Airport runway with a hair-raising story | News Article

Two people are buried under a runway at a US airport...

According to insider.com, this particular US airport was built on former farmland.  When the Savannah Airport needed to expand during World War II, the land included a burial site belonging to the Dotson family. It was estimated to have had about 100 graves, including those of slaves.

"The removal of the graves was met with resistance from descendants of the Dotson family, according to The State, a newspaper in South Carolina. Ultimately, all but four of the graves were relocated to Bonaventure Cemetery, the media outlet Wide Open Country reported in 2019." 

Want to know more? The full article is available here.


Weird Wide Web - Airport runway with a story:

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