The Good Morning Breakfast
African Brick Centre #KliphardeKaraoke - VOTE for the winner!─── 08:59 Thu, 25 Feb 2021

This week we’ve been playing the African Brick Centre Klipharde Karaoke competition, where each day the best entry by a listener won R1 250 for singing a pop song – in the style of a heavy metal rocker!
The four finalists were chosen and now it’s YOUR turn to vote for the winner of R5 000!
To vote, send the keyword corresponding to one of the four finalists (listed below) via Telegram to 084 222 9497.
Madelein Badenhorst keyword: MDBH
Morné Niemand keyword: RNMD
Nicolene Ferreira keyword: NCFR
Jean-Pierre Jacobs keyword: JPJC