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OFM celebrates the heart of the Free State with Welkom Week

───   10:10 Thu, 22 Oct 2020

OFM celebrates the heart of the Free State with Welkom Week  | News Article

Bloemfontein – OFM, inspiring listeners to live the real good life in Central South Africa, is dedicating a whole week of radio to the Goldfields during Welkom Week from 26 to 30 October.

On 95.7, OFM will engage businesses and listeners to introduce Welkom and OFM’s Welkom operation to a broader audience. Yolanda Maartens will present her show, Mid-Morning Magic between 09:00 and 12:00 from the OFM’s Welkom studios at Goldfields Mall throughout the week.

On the 28th of October, Goldfields Mall will be celebrating its tenth birthday and to mark this grand occasion, they will be giving away ten R1 000 cash prizes as well as a whopping R50 000 House & Home voucher. To qualify for this competition, a person needs to be spotted in Goldfields Mall during the month of October. They will have to complete a form and ten finalists will be selected live on air during Mid-Morning Magic during the week of 26 to 30 October. Shandor Potgieter will broadcast live from the Mall on Saturday, 31st of October between 09:00 and 12:00 when the grand prize draw will take place.

As part of its celebrations, the Mall will also have many special offers for visitors. These will be presented by Yolanda Maartens during the OFM Live Link between 15:00 and 16:00 each day from the 26th to the 29th of October.

According to Nick Efstathiou, CEO of Central Media Group, the purpose of Welkom Week is to showcase the area, its people, the businesses in the Goldfield, and OFM’s commitment to the community.

“Welkom is the second-largest city in the Free State and its Sotho name, Matjhabeng, means where nations meet. It is believed the Sotho name is derived from the many ‘nations’ from Lesotho, Malawi and Mozambique who came to work in the mines of the Goldfields. OFM has decided to have a presence in Welkom, because it has such an important place in the community. Welkom Week gives us an opportunity to introduce this city to a much wider audience.”

To find out more about Welkom Week, stay tuned to OFM.


For more info, please contact Lindiwe Mtwentula on 051 5050 900, 082 416 1665, or lindiwe@ofm.co.za.

OFM vier die hart van die Vrystaat met Welkom-Week

Bloemfontein – OFM, die radiostasie wat luisteraars aanmoedig om die goeie lewe in Sentraal Suid-Afrika te leef, gaan tydens Welkom-week ’n hele week van radio aan die Goudvelde afstaan.

Op die frekwensie 95.7 sal OFM met sakeondernemings en luisteraars gesels om Welkom en OFM se Welkom-ateljee aan ’n groter gehoor bekend te stel. Yolanda Maartens sal van 26 tot 30 Oktober haar program, Mid-Morning Magic tussen 09:00 en 12:00, regstreeks vanuit OFM se Welkom-ateljee in die Goldfields Mall aanbied.

Op 28 Oktober is dit Goldfields Mall se 10de verjaardag en om die groot geleentheid te vier is tien R1 000 kontantpryse asook ’n reuse R50 000 House & Home-koopbewys op die spel. Om vir die kompetisie in aanmerking te kom moet ’n persoon gedurende die maand van Oktober in Goldfields Mall raakgesien word. Hulle sal ’n vorm moet voltooi en tien finaliste sal in die week van 26 tot 30 Oktober tydens Mid-Morning Magic gekies word. Saterdag, 31 Oktober sal Shandor Potgieter tussen 09:00 en 12:00 regstreeks vanaf Goldfields Mall uitsaai waartydens die groot prys tydens ’n gelukstrekking oorhandig sal word.

As deel van die verjaardagvieringe sal die Mall ook fantastiese spesiale aanbiedinge hê. Yolanda Maartens sal luisteraars daagliks van 26 tot 29 Oktober tussen 15:00 en 16:00 tydens OFM Live Link van hierdie aanbiedinge vertel.

Volgens Nick Efstathiou, hoof-uitvoerende beampte van die Central Media Group, het Welkom-week ten doel om die gebied, sy mense, die sakeondernemings in die Goudvelde en OFM se verbintenis tot die gemeenskap uit te lig.

“Welkom is die tweede grootste stad in die Vrystaat en sy Sotho-naam, Matjhabeng, beteken waar nasies bymekaar kom. Dit blyk dat die Sotho-naam sy oorsprong het van die vele ‘nasies’ van Lesotho, Malawi en Mosambiek wat in die Goudveld se myne kom werk het. OFM het besluit om ’n teenwoordigheid in Welkom te hê omdat dit so 'n belangrike plek in die gemeenskap het. Welkom-week bied ons die geleentheid om hierdie stad aan ’n baie wyer gehoor bekend te stel.”

Vir meer oor Welkom-week, bly ingeskakel by OFM.


Vir meer inligting, kontak Lindiwe Mtwentula by 051 5050 900, 082 416 1665, of lindiwe@ofm.co.za.

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