Please Note
Planned power interruption cancelled─── 07:28 Sun, 04 Nov 2018

The Mangaung Metro Municipality has announced that a planned power interruption, scheduled for today, has been cancelled.
Spokesperson Tseliso Leba says another notice will be issued in due course.
"Please take note that the planned power interruption in the following areas has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances."
The interruption was due to take place in Freedom SQ, Namibia SQ, Bloemside 5,5 & 7, Grootvlei Prison, Mangaung Maximum Prison, Hamilton, Rocklands, Bloemanda 1 & 2, Lourierpark, Ferreira, Bonnievale & Bloemdal.
"We apologise for any inconvenience which might have been caused as a result of the notice," adds Leba.
Statement supplied