Local News
FS municipality cuts water supply to Jagersfontein mine─── OLEBOGENG MOTSE 08:35 Wed, 05 Dec 2018

Kopanong Local Municipality in the Free State has cut some of the water supply to the Jagersfontein Diamond mine.
Municipal spokesperson, Solomzi Phama, confirms that this is indeed the case and the municipality took this drastic decision with the well-being of the community in mind. Phama says they felt this was the only way to get the attention of the management of Jagersfontein Developments (Pty) Ltd regarding the issues the community raised in late November.
Residents say the municipality, in fact, shut down illegal boreholes at Jagersfontein Developments (Pty) Ltd, a company allegedly owned by Superkolong Consortium, Sonop Diamond Mining and mining magnate Johan Rupert. Phama denies that this move was a political one, adding that it was done to get the mine to come to the table as per the request of the community.
On Thursday 22 November, the community took to the streets and handed over a memorandum of demands to management as well as Kopanong Local Municipality. This memorandum included burning issues and questions the locals have with regards to the mine and the development of the area. The Itumeleng Community Trust - established by the mine - was contacted by OFM News for comment. The trust said the matter was now at the Premier’s office and only they could comment on the matter. In mid-September, while visiting the Caleb Motshabi area, Premier Sisi Ntombela said they were looking into complaints made by community members regarding the mine. She said this inquiry was headed by the MEC of Police, Roads and Transport, Sam Mashinini, who has been actively engaging the Minister of Mineral Resources, Gwede Mantashe, on the matter.
Kopanong Municipality has recently faced water interruptions imposed by Bloem Water for their outstanding bill.
OFM News