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FS MEC accused of racial slurs─── JOSCA HUMAN 12:22 Wed, 08 Aug 2018

The DA has requested recordings from the Free State Legislature, after alleged racist comments from the Free State MEC for Sports, Art and Culture, Mathabo Leeto, that all white South African men are "rapists".
According to DA member of the Free State Legislature, Mariëtte Pittaway, this is not the first time Leeto has made such racists comments.
"During our Women's Day debate in the sitting, she started off with saying that since Jan van Riebeeck arrived here the trouble started and all white men are rapists and they should be dug up from their graves so they can account for what they have done," says Pittaway.
OFM News has spoken to Leeto who says she is not a racist person, and that she never made the comments. Leeto was also accused of calling DA leader Roy Jankielson as a piece of faeces. Leeto said she was speaking Sesotho and the interpreter was wrong.
"During no part of my debate did I refer to the abuse of women who needs to be dealt with. I said the issue of the abuse of women and children, is not a new thing, it’s historic. In 1652, when Jan van Riebeeck came to South Africa, our great grandfathers were made slaves and our great mothers were raped. I am not a racist, I can't make racist comments," said Leetho.
Meanwhile, the Free State Legislature will be making a ruling at the next Legislature sitting.
OFM News