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Drought in Northern Cape still a great concern

───   KATLEHO MORAPELA 07:54 Thu, 08 Mar 2018

Drought in Northern Cape still a great concern | News Article

The Northern Cape Finance MEC, MacCollen Jack, says it is greatly concerning that the Northern Cape Province is among the three provinces increasingly ravaged by the drought, which is now declared a natural disaster.

This, after the National Department of Cooperative Governance last week said it has elevated the drought experienced in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape and the Northern Cape to a ‘natural disaster’. Jack says the water crisis experienced in the province and in cities like Cape Town continue to indicate the seriousness of the matter. He says although the budget for the drought relieve is allocated at national level, the province is gearing up for this crisis and will, by all means, try to assist communities and farmers.

An amount of R70 million has been allocated by the department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to assist drought-hit provinces.

The drought remains a concern even after heavy downpours and lightning in Kimberley last night, which left several areas in the city without electricity. Electrical teams of the municipality are currently busy with restorative actions on most substations.

According to theconversation.com, attributing recent extreme events to climate change is a difficult, but emerging part of the science. Extreme climate events are increasing all over the world.

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