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North West Madibeng Municipality confirms confiscated property

───   KATLEHO MORAPELA 16:33 Thu, 01 Feb 2018

North West Madibeng Municipality confirms confiscated property  | News Article

The Madibeng Municipality in the North West confirms that its property, including water tankers and refuse removal vehicles, were confiscated earlier today.

This, after the municipality allegedly failed to settle its debt of more than R3 million with service providers. Spokesperson, Tumelo Tshabalala, told OFM News they had a visit from the Brits Sheriff today regarding the matter, however, managed to make an arrangement to get their vehicles back. Coupled to this, the financially troubled municipality is being lambasted by opposition parties for the non-payment of employees’ salaries last month and the planned overseas trip for the Mayor and the Municipal Mayor planned to take place next week. Tshababala, however, refutes allegations that the municipality is failing to pay its employees on time.

 “On the 25th we experience a delay in the payment of workers’ salaries. The workers were only able to receive their salaries later during the day”. He says they do acknowledge that there was a delay, however, managed to make the payment on the 25th.

Tshabalala says the Mayor and the Municipal Mayor’s trip will not cost the municipality more than R1 million as alleged by opposition parties. He says the Malaysia trip, which is part of the World Urban Forum, will take place from February 7 to 13.

“The trip came after he received an invitation from the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) to municipalities requesting them to form part of a South African delegation at the World Urban Form which, among others, will look at plans to develop towns, develop municipalities, to make them viable, and help municipalities with an array of municipal services expected to be offered to the public,” explained Tshabalala.

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