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#ANCvsANC: ANC BGMs allegedly cloaked in violence

───   MARK STEENBOK 17:16 Mon, 27 Nov 2017

#ANCvsANC: ANC BGMs allegedly cloaked in violence | News Article

An urgent application by a group of ANC members in the Free State against the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) has started in the Free State High Court after a slight delay.

The applicants want the PEC dissolved and a number of Branch General Meetings (BGMs) and their decisions declared invalid.

Reading from his clients' affidavit, Advocate Dali Mpofu, for the applicants, stated that there is a tendency for violence associated within ANC branch meetings in the province. He also referred to an alleged stabbing incident at one of the meetings this past weekend. 

The defence for the respondents, however, disputed the claims and asked the court not to allow the affidavit. They further stated that the meetings were conducted in a peaceful manner and that there is not enough evidence brought before court to support the allegations. The court, however, has decided to allow the affidavit.

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