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#UFS Management says exams will not be moved─── MARK STEENBOK 16:25 Fri, 20 Oct 2017
The University of the Free State’s (UFS) management says they are open for discussions with students but warned that they will not tolerate any criminal activities on campus.
The Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Francis Petersen, today told the media that the focus of the management is now to ensure that the examinations on both the Qwaqwa and Bloemfontein campuses continue in a safe manner.
“Our first approach would be to continue to engage the Student Representative Council (SRC). We are not going to move the exams, it is fixed and there are so many students that have planned for it. We have finished our academic calendar in terms of the classes so they (students) have received the content in the right way,” says Petersen.
Academic activities on both campuses were disrupted this week after students started protesting over a possible fee increment. Francis confirmed that no final decision has been made in this regard and that a possible fee increment of 8% was discussed with the SRC and not 12.5% as previously communicated on various social media platforms.
Students staying off-campus further demanded that free Wi-Fi facilities be made available in a 3 to 5-kilometre radius. Francis says they are currently exploring the different options in this regard and that communication with both the staff and students has been increased.
He adds that so far ten students at both the university campuses have been arrested for arson and contravening a court interdict.
“Last night, six students were arrested for arson on the Qwaqwa Campus. The South African Police Services (SAPS) and campus security were on the campus and are still monitoring the situation.
On the Bloemfontein campus, four students were arrested this morning for contravening the interdict by causing disruptions at the computer labs and Sasol Library. The SAPS is also deployed on the Bloemfontein Campus and are closely monitoring the situation, together with the university’s security team,” says Petersen.
Francis says fire extinguishers were also used in lecture rooms on the Bloemfontein campus, which led to a student breaking a window for fresh air. OFM News earlier reported that the female student broke the window after an activated fire extinguisher was thrown into the lecture hall. On the Qwaqwa campus, a human chain was also used to block the entrance. He says plans are in place, should the examinations not start on Monday.
“The university crisis team, including members of the executive management and protection services, is on alert and are working to stabilise the situation on the two campuses.
The continuation of the university’s academic programme is a serious matter to the executive management and the disruptive behaviour of students will not be tolerated. Students who are identified while taking part in these incidents will be disciplined according to the university’s student disciplinary procedures,” says Francis.
OFM News