Local News
Changes on the cards for ANC members in the Northern Cape─── KATLEHO MORAPELA 16:48 Tue, 03 Oct 2017

Three ANC members in the Northern Cape have been deployed to the Provincial Legislature today.
According to the party the move is informed by the lack of service delivery challenges identified during the provincial summit and efforts to strengthen the ANC presence in legislative bodies. Bentley Vass was sworn in today in the Provincial Legislature to replace Dawid Rooi who resigned, Mase Manopole who is currently a member of Parliament will swop with another member from the provincial legislature, while Patrick Mabilo will also be the third new addition to swop with Alvin Botes who is currently a member of the provincial legislature. The party is also looking into ways to strength its provincial members in the National Assembly after the resignation of Minister Dipuo Peters and Former Energy Minister Tina Joemat- Petterson.
The party in the province is looking into deploying its seniors to the National Parliament. The current Chairperson, Zamani Saul, together with Gina Cloete, Eunice Bojosi are amongst some of the members considered to be deployed to the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) to strengthen the presence of the province in these legislative bodies.
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