Local News
Video: Mangaung Municipality cleans up city─── 14:57 Fri, 14 Jul 2017
Bloemfontein - The Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality undertook a massive cleaning operation in Bloemfontein today in light of the recent municipal strike.
Videographer: Mark Steenbok
Teams from the South African Police Services (SAPS), the South African Revenue Services (SARS), the Free State Gambling and Liquor Authority, Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), the Department of Home Affairs, and the Mangaung Metro Traffic Department and additional volunteers were all in attendance at the clean-up. Executive Mayor of Mangaung Metro, Olly Mlamleli, says it is important for the municipality to show the public that they care, not only about the city but the people that belong to this city. Mop-up operations are said to be a regular occurrence and any interested parties are welcome to join in on those future clean-up operations, says Mlamleli.
“It is important that our city remains clean so that it can be attractive to investors. Introducing investors will result in job creation that will benefit the community of this city. We are not going to be able to create jobs if we do not change the perception of our city,” says Mlamleli.
The municipality pledges to extend the clean-up to Sunday if the city is not clean by the end of the time designated to the operation. Mlamleli went on to emphasise that she is taking the lead, which is why she is not going to sit back and watch others do the work. She and her mayoral council are also going into the streets to participate in the mop-up because Bloemfontein is our city and we should all be accountable for it, Mlamleli says.
OFM News/Olebogeng Motse