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Video + pictures: SANDF members help clean up Bloemfontein Zoo

───   MARK STEENBOK 10:58 Thu, 25 May 2017

Video + pictures: SANDF members help clean up Bloemfontein Zoo | News Article
Members of the South African National Defense Force assisting in clean up action at the Bloemfontein Zoo. Photo: Mark Steenbok

Bloemfontein - Members of the South African Defense Force (SANDF) in Bloemfontein took it upon themselves to clean up at the Bloemfontein Zoo this morning.

Members of the Bloemfontein community took to social media to express their concerns about the state the zoo is in claiming that animals are not being cared for following strike action by municipal workers.

Pictures were taken at the zoo and showed the animals living in appalling conditions. In one of the pictures, a baby hippo was seen in a dried-up pool. 

The municipality then responded by saying the pool was being cleaned. In another picture, a water tank with dried leaves could be seen. 

OFM News was reassured by the NSPCA’s Jaco Pieterse, an inspector from the Bloemfontein SPCA, who visited the zoo and confirmed that the animals are provided for.  The organisation said it will continue inspections throughout the municipal strike.

SANDF soldiers sweeping and raking up leaves in the animal dens at the Bloemfontein Zoo. VIDEO: MARK STEENBOK

SANDF soldiers cleaning up at the Bloemfontein Zoo. VIDEO: MARK STEENBOK

One SANDF member dragging a dustbin to rake up leaves. Photo: Mark Steenbok

Members of the SANDF assisting each other in cleaning up at the Bloemfontein Zoo. Photo: Mark Steenbok

Soldiers cleaning up at the zoo. Photo: Mark Steenbok

The baby hippo's enclosure is currently out of water. Zoo management said this is in order to clean up the pool. Photo: Mark Steenbok

They picked up papers, bottles and all other rubbish in order to keep the zoo clean. Photo: Mark Steenbok

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