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Social media reacts to Zuma Statue

───   MOEKETSI MOGOTSI 11:09 Mon, 20 Feb 2017

Social media reacts to Zuma Statue | News Article
The North West government confirmed reports that it will be erecting a 6-metre statue of state president, Jacob Zuma, later this year. Photo: Gallo Images

Groot Marico - The North West Provincial Government confirmed reports that it will be erecting a statue of South African President, Jacob Zuma, in Groot Marico.

Provincial spokesperson, Brian Setswambung, said the building of the statue forms part of the North West Department of Culture, Arts and Traditional Affairs’ key responsibilities in the preservation of South African heritage and history.

The North West government said it is an undeniable fact that President Zuma was arrested by the apartheid regime police in the Groot Marico area while on his way to Botswana along with others.

Opposition parties lambasted the suggested proposal saying it was a waste of state resources to carry on with the R6 million project in the Ngaka Modiri Molema Municipality.

The public also had mixed reactions to the news of the #ZumaStatue on social media.

The North West government says the construction of a six-metre statuette of President Jacob Zuma in Groot Marico should be completed by June this year if everything goes according to plan.

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