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Successful crime prevention in Botshabelo

───   14:30 Thu, 28 Jul 2016

Successful crime prevention in Botshabelo | News Article

The main objectives of the Selosesha Cluster Crime Operation were to address gangsterism, to trace wanted suspects, address the proliferation of drugs and non-compliance of the Liquor Act, just to mention a few.

Botshabelo and Boithuso Policing areas were painted blue when policemen and women took the streets in a crime prevention operation.

The main objectives of the Selosesha Cluster Crime Operation were to address gangsterism, to trace wanted suspects, address the proliferation of drugs and non-compliance of the Liquor Act, just to mention a few.  Acting Provincial Commissioner Major General Gela was present and he briefed the members during the parade highlighting the hotspots.

Selosesha Cluster Commander Brigadier Paul Kubheka led his team of dedicated police officials from the beginning of the operation that started at 14:00 until 22:00. One could see community members feeling at peace when they noticed Police members patrolling the whole area of Botshabelo, doing stop and search and visiting liquor places.

Successes of the operation: 13 fines were issued for selling liquor without a licence, five fines were issued for non-compliance to the Liquor Act, 17 wanted suspects were arrested for various crimes, ten suspects were arrested for possession of dagga, 23 traffic fines issued, ten suspects arrested under the Immigration Act, one fine issued under the Stock Theft Act and 90 suspects arrested for various crimes.

Brig. Kubheka applauded the members for coming together and working as a team in the fight against crime.


This statement was issued by sergeant Martin Xuma from the SAPS

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