Local News
Classes at VUT remain suspended─── DANE BEISHEIM 16:34 Tue, 17 May 2016

Vaal University of Technology/Supplied
Vanderbijlpark - Classes at the Vaal University of Technology remain suspended until further notice.
This is according to VUT spokesperson, Mike Khubone. His comment follows after reports of an SMS-message doing the rounds, proclaiming that classes will resume tomorrow.
Violent protests broke out on 3 May at the campus and flared up again on 11 and 12 May, during which several buildings were set on fire.
Students demanded the withdrawal of criminal charges against fellow students charged with damage to property and grievous bodily harm, and the removal of the outsourced campus security company.
Khubone told OFM News that classes would remain suspended until the damage assessment process was completed.
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Violent protests broke out on 3 May at the campus and flared up again on 11 and 12 May, during which several buildings were set on fire.
Students demanded the withdrawal of criminal charges against fellow students charged with damage to property and grievous bodily harm, and the removal of the outsourced campus security company.
Khubone told OFM News that classes would remain suspended until the damage assessment process was completed.
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