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Free State municipalities worst in the country─── CATHY DLODLO 06:16 Wed, 13 Apr 2016

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Bloemfontein - The Free State has the worst performing municipalities in the country.
This is based on average index scores achieved in Ratings Afrika’s annual Municipal Financial Stability Index (MFSI).
The agency analysed the annual financial statements of municipalities during the 2014/15 financial year and then rated them in terms of operating performance, liquidity positions and budget practices. Each municipality is then given a mark out of 100 index points for financial sustainability and provinces were rated, based on the average score their municipalities received.
According to the index, municipalities in the Free State are the worst performers with the lowest average scores - 25 - followed closely by the North West province with 26 points.
The Western Cape achieved an average of 60 points followed by KwaZulu-Natal with 59 points.
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