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NWU Mafikeng campus to reopen today

───   CHRISTAL-LIZE MULLER 06:19 Tue, 29 Mar 2016

NWU Mafikeng campus to reopen today | News Article
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Mahikeng - All academic activities are set to resume at the North West University's (NWU) Mafikeng campus today, after it was closed for more than a month following violent protests which led to the torching of two buildings.

The campus' administration block and science centre, among others, were damaged during the protests. The estimated value of the destroyed property amounts to R150 million.

NWU spokesperson, Phenyo Mokgothu, says all classes will resume today as neither of the damaged buildings were lecture venues. Both areas will, however, be off-limit to students as clean-up and repair operations are still ongoing.

Mokgothu meanwhile says a new security company has taken over at the university after Hlanganani, contracted at the time of the violent protests, was suspended pending an investigation.

Mokgothu says police investigation into identifying the perpetrators involved in the burning down of university property are ongoing. The university will decide on disciplinary action after this has been concluded.

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