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Pictures: NWU's Mafikeng campus after protests

───   DANE BEISHEIM 09:52 Thu, 25 Feb 2016

Pictures: NWU's Mafikeng campus after protests | News Article
NWU Mafikeng campus aftermath (OFM News)

Mahikeng - Private security personnel at the North West University's (NWU) Mafikeng campus are searching students at the institution's main gate before allowing them to retrieve their possessions.

The campus has been closed indefinitely and students were told to leave campus after violent protests which saw two buildings being set alight yesterday. A security services vehicle and motorcycle were also torched.

Campus spokesperson, Koos Degenaar, said the clashes started after students, allegedly belonging to the EFF student command and supporters of the dissolved Student Representative Council (SRC), disrupted management’s inauguration event for twelve newly-appointed SRC members yesterday.

Some students later took to Twitter to claim security officials had used live ammunition to disperse the students. There were also claims that a student had died and another had been hospitalised after suffering a miscarriage.

Degenaar denied this, saying they had received no such reports. He said security officials had used teargas and rubber bullets to disperse the protestors.

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