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Armed robbery at Mimosa Mall

───   OWEN KOCK 13:04 Sat, 17 Jan 2015

Armed robbery at Mimosa Mall | News Article

Bloemfontein - An armed robbery occurred at Scoin at Mimosa Mall just before 09h00 on Saturday morning.

Thanks to the calm manner in which the security guards and Scoin staff at Mimosa Mall handled themselves, no one was injured in the process.
Five armed robbers came in from Parfitt Avenue and took the security officer at the entrance at gunpoint into Scoin to prevent him from alerting the control room.
Three robbers went into the shop while two stayed outside inconspicuously.  
According to Mimosa Mall spokesperson Ilse Judeel, the robbers forced the staff to open all the display cabinets and packed some of the stock. The entire process from walking into the shop to exiting the building took the robbers two minutes.
The robbers got into a getaway car, a white Nissan Qashqai, and rammed the boom and left the building.  The security officer ran after the vehicle and got the registration number.
“The control room was notified and in turn the police, which responded promptly. They followed up on all camera footage and witness information.  The armed response from the Scoin Shop arrived on the scene as well,” Judeel added.
Due to the calmness and cooperation of the Scoin staff and the security officers, no one was injured, which is the main objective of the Mimosa Mall security personnel.  
“Mimosa Mall Management is fully cooperating with the SAPS, as we do on ongoing bases,” Judeel concluded.


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