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#BeatPlasticPolution on #WorldEnvironmentDay

───   15:06 Tue, 05 Jun 2018

#BeatPlasticPolution on #WorldEnvironmentDay | News Article
PHOTO: Twitter

The World Environment Day is again celebrated today. This year the theme is Beating Plastic Pollution.

The day was created by the United Nations to help create awareness towards preserving the environment. Despite this, there is still a rise in the production of plastic products. The introduction of a plastic levy in 2004 has not had the desired effect as South African consumers have become used to paying for plastic bags. According to the WWF, South Africa is 11th on the list of top offenders in the world when it comes to releasing plastic waste into the sea.

In South Africa, World Environment Day marks the beginning of a month-long celebration where we celebrate World Oceans Day and World Day to Combat Desertification. Both these days are also celebrated worldwide in order to bring positive activity in the environmental sector.

According to the WWF South Africa’s head of the Marine Programme, John Duncan, “Although South Africa has a growing recycling sector, the reality is that due to poor economic returns or the non-recyclability of a number of types of plastics, a large percentage of the plastic that you use will never be recycled, even if you put it in your recycling bin. A better place for you to start is perhaps to take a minute to think about whether we need some of the problem[atic] plastic [products] to start with.” This is according to the WWF South Africa’s head of the Marine Programme, John Duncan.

People can join in on the #BeatPlasticPolution campaign on Twitter.

OFM News/Sazly Hartzenberg and Molebogeng Malebo

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