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Human Interest

How getting a second chance at matric works

───   07:00 Fri, 04 Jan 2019

How getting a second chance at matric works | News Article

If you’re one of those pupils who are either unhappy with the symbols you’ve attained or if you’ve failed matric, don’t lose hope.

This is the message from the experts to those who hope to do better.

“There are steps you can take to improve your situation,” said Jackie Carroll, an expert in adult education and training.

If pupils had passed matric but wanted to improve their results, their first port of call would be to apply for a remark.

“If you think that you did better than what your final results indicate, you should ideally do this as soon as possible,” Carroll said.

“Your second option would be to register for supplementary exams and take another opportunity at improving your symbols.”

For those who had failed and wanted a second chance, the department of education offered a programme called Second Chance, which provides pupils with free support.

“The programme enables pupils to write supplementary exams for a maximum of two subjects in order to meet the pass requirements of the NSC examinations,” said Carroll. “These exams are typically written in February or March, after pupils have received a total of 12 hours face-to-face classes, to give them the best chance of passing.”

Pupils would have to attend these classes at a community college or a private learning institution. For more information, visit Second Chance Programme on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DBE2ndChance/

The Citizen

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