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Sixteen injured after fire extinguisher explosion on bus

───   16:34 Mon, 12 Mar 2018

Sixteen injured after fire extinguisher explosion on bus | News Article

Sixteen people were injured after a fire extinguisher exploded on a bus in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, on Monday.

Eastern Cape Department of Health spokesperson, Sizwe Kupelo, said the cause of the explosion was unknown, but that it would be investigated.

Shortly before 08:00, a fire extinguisher ignited and exploded near the front door of the bus.

"[A] white powder substance engulfed the bus leading to panic and chaos," Kupelo said.

Passengers broke the emergency exit windows to escape, which resulted in injuries.

"Some actually jumped out through the windows, leading to body trauma. Others rushing to the rear of the bus to avoid the powder resulted in congestion and stampede," he explained.

Kupelo said injuries included respiratory problems resulting from inhaling the powder, with four people possibly sustaining minor spinal injuries.

"The patients were in a stable condition. They would probably get treated and discharged," he said.


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