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Human Interest

Disaster relief on its way to Yemen

───   CHRISTAL-LIZE MULLER 18:32 Wed, 16 Sep 2015

Disaster relief on its way to Yemen | News Article

Bloemfontein - Disaster relief organisation, Gift of the Givers, expects to start loading the first containers with humanitarian aid intended for war stricken Yemen this week.

The organisation’s Imtiaz Sooliman, says it has been difficult to replenish supplies to GOTG’s warehouses in two of Yemen’s harbour cities. According to him all ports of entry into Yemen have been closed over the past six months because of heavy bombing and the movement of ground troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Sooliman says with the Port of Adan re-opened two weeks ago the organisation can fill their aid warehouses and send clothing, medical supplies and food. He says millions of people in Yemen are in desperate need of aid.

He says Yemen Country Manager, Anas al-Hamati, who played an instrumental role in negotiations for the release of South African couple, Yolandé and Pierre Korkie, who were held hostage in Yemen for an extended period, is also closely involved in the aid distribution. Al-Hamati is currently in South Africa for training purposes. He also visited Pierre’s widow in Bloemfontein last month.

They were re-united for the first time since Yolandé was released last year January by Al Qaeda militants.  

Cash contributions can be made to Gift of the Givers, Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg, Account No. 052278611, Branch Code 057525. Please send deposit slip by email or fax with full contact details for acknowledgement purposes. For more details call the toll free line, 0800786777.

Christal-Lize Muller/OFM News


Imtiaz Sooliman:

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