Gary Player's wife, Vivienne, loses long cancer battle─── MORGAN PIEK 10:07 Wed, 18 Aug 2021

South African golfing great, Gary Player's wife, Vivienne, has passed away following a long battle with cancer.
Vivienne Player lost her battle to pancreatic cancer on Wednesday morning after receiving treatment in California.
Vivienne was the sister of the former South African professional, Bobby Verwey.
GolfRSA confirmed the sad news on Twitter.
"It is with a heavy heart that we learned that one of golf's biggest patrons, Vivienne Player, lost her long and brave battle with cancer. Our sincere condolences go out to her husband Gary, their children and grandchildren, family and friends."
She is survived by Gary and their six children, Amanda, Jennifer, Marc, Michele, Theresa, and Wayne.
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