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The most expensive paparazzi photo sold for R4,4 million

───   11:41 Sat, 26 Jan 2013

The most expensive paparazzi photo sold for R4,4 million | News Article
Britney Spears made headlines in 2007 when she shaved her famous blonde hair completely off! The media was in an absolute frenzy. A paparazzi photographer saw the chance to make some money and sold it for a massive profit.

The most expensive paparazzi photo so far is one of bald Britney Spears. It sold for $500,000. News sources believe Britney Spears alone is credited for 20% of the paparazzi business in 2007-2008.

Other bizarre prices paid for photos include:

A film that captured Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's first kiss brought $300,000.
A photo of Britney Spears in a hot tub was sold for $200,000.
A photo of Paris Hilton in handcuffs in 2006 sold for $150,000.
A photo of Lindsey Lohan drunk and passed out in her car sold for $100,000.

Luxury spending? Is the paparazzi taking it too far?

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