Special Reports
FEATURE: Farm attacks, murders and stats | Plaasaanvalle, -moorde en die statistieke─── 11:50 Thu, 23 Jul 2015
The debate around farm murders and attacks in South Africa has once again flared up in the wake of the murder of yet another elderly farmer in the Free State this week.
Experts are of the opinion the problem is getting out of control. This after the recent release of statistics compiled by Afriforum and the Transvaal Agricultural Union of South Africa (TAU SA), which paint a grim picture of attacks in the first half of 2015.
Figures show that were 1 747 farm murders and 3 542 farm attacks between 1990 and mid-2015. A total of 1133 farmers, 465 direct family members and 130 farm workers were murdered.
In light of this, OFM News’ Christal-Lize Muller and Sabrina Dean have taken a closer look at the issue at large:
(Please note the voices of certain people have been altered to protect their identity)
MJ Lourens het 'n spesiale aanlyn-fokus met betrekking tot plaasmoorde saamgestel:
* Indien jou selfoon of rekenaar nie die infografika hier onder wil wys nie, kliek hier om dit in foto's te sien.
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