Human Interest
Too little salt also harmful: new research─── 13:23 Thu, 21 Aug 2014

Pothefstroom - The largest study of its kind ever conducted - involving 18 countries and more than 100,000 people over four years – has indicated that the current recommended maximum salt intake for the population by 2020 is actually too low and may even be unsafe.
The Prospective Urban Rural (PURE) study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine last week, shows there is a “sweet spot” for salt consumption.
Too much or too little salt can be damaging, while a moderate amount of between 3 and 6 grams is optimal.
Research leader of the South African leg the study, Annamarie Kruger says the effects of low sodium intake include adverse elevations of certain hormones that are associated with an increase in risk of death and cardiovascular diseases.
Statement supplied
Annamarie Kruger :