Local News
Potchefstroom Gimnasium racism allegations: Headmaster declines to comment─── DANE DANE 10:11 Mon, 04 Nov 2013
Dane Beisheim
Potchefstroom - Potchefstroom Gimnasium's headmaster has declined to comment on allegations that two black pupils have been subjected to constant racial abuse at the school's boarding house.
Roelof Oosthuizen said this was because the matter was still being investigated by the North West education department.
Fourteen year old twins Kago and Kagiso Mangope claim to have been the victims of harassment and racial slurs from fellow pupils, resulting in both pupils' marks dropping and Kago quitting the rugby team.
Provincial education department spokeperson Brian Setswammung says the matter will be the subject of a disciplinary hearing later today.
Brian Setswammung :