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Parliament's lavish food budget exposed

───   11:28 Fri, 10 May 2013

Pretoria - Parliament reportedly spent around R16 million on food and beverages last year. Eyewitness News reports that its budget for refreshments this past financial year stood at R18 million. Parliament caters for several committee briefings and other major external events. But the Democratic Alliance believes it has spent far too much money feeding politicians. Tea, coffee, cool drinks and large platters of finger food are often on the menu at committee briefings. Parliament spokesperson Luzuko Jacobs said they spent R16 million last year on providing snacks and drinks. He stressed that catering is not limited to the dozens of briefings, but also other major events outside Parliament. Despite this, the DA’s Watty Watson believes the spending is excessive and that most of the food ends up being wasted. He said the party will ask Parliament for a full breakdown on catering expenses.


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