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These Are The 18 Creepiest Human Habits, According to Science

───   02:41 Tue, 12 Apr 2016

These Are The 18 Creepiest Human Habits, According to Science | News Article
Creepiest Human Habits, New Study: Must-See Details

Humans are weird. We’re always sweating, crying, getting irrationally angry while watching reality TV, and pursuing people who just don’t care about us. Yet somehow, these things aren’t deemed “creepy.” Besides, they’re all pretty normal considering we all do them. But a new study published in the New Ideas in Psychology journal has proven that all of those habits you find relatively normal are actually downright creepy. Which is actually pretty rude, but whatever.

According to British Psychological Society, below are the 18 creepiest human habits. You’re definitely guilty of more than half of them:

1. Odd/dirty clothes
2. Pale skin
3. Bags under eyes
4. Unkempt hair
5. Steering conversation toward one topic (especially sex)
6. Asking to take a picture of you
7. Greasy hair
8. Standing too close
9. Peculiar smile
10. Bulging eyes
11. Having a mental illness
12. Long fingers
13. Licking lips frequently
14. Laughing at odd times
15. Making it impossible to leave without seeming rude
16. Displaying unwanted sexual interest
17. Being very thin
18. Displaying too much/little emotion.


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