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Lamb and Mutton SA : Today's winning lamb recipe

───   13:02 Fri, 30 Mar 2018

Lamb and Mutton SA : Today's winning lamb recipe | News Article

Lamb and Mutton SA is challenging you to enter your best lamb or mutton recipe and you could win! R1500 up for grabs so keep entering this week. All day, every day. Today's winning recipe comes from Hester Maritz . Congratulations!

Hester Maritz’s Lamb Spit Marinade

When my son got married we had a spit braai and this is the marinade we used for our lamb.


1 bottle of brown vinegar 

3/4 cup of coarse salt 

2 grated onions 

5 large cloves of garlic, crushed 

4 drops Tabasco sauce 

1/2 cup Worcester sauce 

1/2 cup Barbeque spice 



Make a day in advance and leave so that the flavours can mix. Strain and inject into the lamb. Use the rest to baste now and then. This marinade can also be used for a leg of lamb or to marinade lamb chops.

 Hester Maritz bags R1500 cash for sending in this delicious treat! Thank you for all the amazing recipes we received, we wish you could all be winners. Thank you to Lamb and Mutton SA for this amazing initiative.


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