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South Africa

SANBS urges blood donors to donate ahead of Easter

───   ZENANDE MPAME 16:02 Mon, 25 Mar 2024

 SANBS urges blood donors to donate ahead of Easter | News Article
Picture: SANBS/Facebook

“Blood is a precious resource and anyone can give to someone in need. We need your blood, with each donation you can save three lives.”

Easter holidays are usually one of the busy times in the year when many people are travelling. The holiday is mostly associated with trauma and accidents, and a lot of blood is needed.

The South African National Blood Service recently hosted blood drives at various malls in the Free State and the Northern Cape. 

“The SANBS thanked all the donors that came forward to donate blood on Human Rights Day – 302 units of blood were collected, and each unit can save up to three lives,” said Free State and Northern Cape Head of Donor Relations, Jana Wallace.

‘Donors are urged to donate for Easter holidays’

“With Easter around the corner, we encourage all donors who have not donated blood to come forward. You can donate blood if you are between 16 and 75 years old and weigh more than 50 kg.”

The SANBS decided to extend its working hours from 4 to 15 March to allow donors flexibility and to donate at times that are suite them. People who can’t donate can assist SANBS by advocating blood donation and by organising blood drives in their communities.

Holidays have historically been associated with low stock levels since students make up a sizable portion of the country's donor population. So this extension was to assist the SANBS in increasing the collection of blood before the school holidays and the Easter holiday.

The blood stock levels are at five days for blood group B positive, and at 3.9 days for group O positive. Blood donations should be made frequently as a unit of blood lasts 42 days after donation.

OFM News/Zenande Mpame dg

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