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South Africa

#CoronavirusSA: IT problems lead to delays in reporting of new cases

───   10:00 Mon, 13 Dec 2021

#CoronavirusSA: IT problems lead to delays in reporting of new cases | News Article

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) says it was informed in the previous week that information technology (IT) challenges had been experienced by public sector laboratories, “which have resulted in reporting delays”.

The NICD has recorded 37 875 new cases in the last 24 hours reporting cycle.

The institute says 19 840 are retrospective cases and 18 035 are new cases.

The Institute has reiterated its commitment to transparency and honest reporting of Covid-19 cases.

“The NICD is committed to transparent reporting and will continue to update Covid-19 surveillance databases retrospectively as the impacted public laboratories remedy the existing IT difficulties. This will result in retrospective data being processed onto the line list, increasing the cumulative number of tests.”

The latest positive rate is 28.9%.

An additional 21 Covid-19 related deaths have been reported, bringing total fatalities to 90 137.

The majority of the new cases come from Gauteng, with 16 716 new cases reported in the 24 hours up to Sunday evening.

There has been an increase of 96 hospital admissions in the last 24 hours, with 5 563 people currently admitted in both private and public health facilities.


On the vaccine front, 10 602 vaccines were administered on Sunday.

Jacaranda News

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