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South Africa

#LoadShedding: South Africa currently in Stage 3

───   07:25 Wed, 10 Nov 2021

#LoadShedding: South Africa currently in Stage 3 | News Article

Eskom has reduced load-shedding – now referred to as rolling blackouts – from Stage 4 to Stage 3.

The embattled power utility said emergency generation reserves “have shown significant progress over the past two days.”

However, Eskom said it is still “necessary to continue with load-shedding in order to fully replenish the emergency generation reserves.

SA’s current blackout state

Stage 3 will be in effect from Wednesday morning 5am until 5am on Friday.

Thereafter, Stage 2 will continue until 5am on Saturday, 13 November.

Eskom said the total breakdowns currently amount to 12 709MW, while planned maintenance is at 6 164 NW if capacity.

Load-shedding caused by ‘Zambia incident’

Eskom earlier said a major incident occurred in Zambia on Saturday that affected the entire Southern African Power Pool.

“During this incident, the imported power from Cahora Bassa reduced by 1,000MV, while a Tutuka generator also tripped.”

The power utility’s problems worsened when Medpudi and Matla power stations also tripped.

Meanwhile, the Freedom Front Plus said SA’s power crisis is the direct result of supplying electricity to neighbouring countries at the expense of South Africa.

Calls for De Ruyter’s resignation

The Black Business Council (BBC) is calling for CEO André de Ruyter’s resignation. CEO Kganki Matabane said the “council is not unreasonable, it just needs certainty”.

He said the instability at Eskom is “costing the country a lot. It’s going to increase unemployment, the economy will never grow”.

“Businesses and ordinary South Africans are not able to plan their lives because everyone relies on the supply of electricity”.

The Citizen/Compiled by Cheryl Kahla

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