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ANC wants to ban smartphones and gadgets from meetings

───   09:48 Sun, 18 Apr 2021

ANC wants to ban smartphones and gadgets from meetings | News Article

The ANC is considering drastic measures to stop damaging audio leaks from the National Executive Committee (NEC) meetings.

These measures include returning to physical venues instead of using online platforms, and banning all electronic gadgets, including smartphones, from these venues.

The City Press reported that everyone in the meeting would be requested to leave all electronic devices at the door.

They will be patted down at the door and will also be under constant surveillance during the meeting to ensure there are no recordings.

Should a person be caught recording a meeting or leaking the discussion, there will be severe penalties.

These plans follow cases where ANC NEC members recorded online discussions and later leaked this sensitive information.

Earlier this week, ANC deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte accused ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule’s supporters of leaking NEC and Top 6 audio recordings.

One of the leaked audio clips is a discussion between the ANC’s leaders meeting with former president Jacob Zuma.

In this clip Duarte could be heard saying she believes Zuma should not appear before the state capture commission and deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo.

Duarte told the SABC the audio leaks are aimed at dividing the party and drawing people into factions.

She said Magashule’s supporters wanted her to be part of that faction, but that she has resisted being drawn into any faction.

Duarte believes she is now being targeted by Magashule’s supporters who are behind the leaked audio recording.

The ANC is not the only organisation that is struggling to data security problems like audio leaks.

Many companies, including large corporates, have been hit with leaks of their sensitive information during videoconferences.

Videoconferencing software typically enable companies to block unauthorised recording of the meeting or conference, but this is not a full-proof measure.

Attendees can easily use a recording device like a smartphone next to their computer to record the full meeting. This is no effective way to stop this.

Another problem is the video files being available online. The Washington Post has recently highlighted that thousands of sensitive Zoom videos have been left viewable on the Internet.

These videos included business meetings that contained private company financial statements and other sensitive data.

It is therefore important to ensure that any authorised recording of the meeting is not made available online without strict access control.


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