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South Africa

Minister allocates R25m for new #Covid19 research

───   12:25 Sat, 19 Dec 2020

Minister allocates R25m for new #Covid19 research | News Article

The Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation has allocated R25 million towards research on the new Covid-19 variant.

This comes after the Health Department identified a new variant of the Covid-19 virus in South Africa.  

Scientists and researchers have been tasked with establishing the virus’ new emerging trends. 

Minister Blade Nzimande says the department will play an active role in the fight against the second wave of Covid-19 infections.  

“All really that I wanted to say is to point out that this is one example of the whole of government approach and cooperation. As the Department of Science and Innovation is very much part of this project through our strategic health innovation partnership.” 

A budget of R45 million was drawn up to fund the research project. 

But the department says R25 million is readily available. 

“Going forward we are ready to deal with this and manage it despite the threats it poses,” Nzimande added. 

“On our side we are committed to continue this work that is being done.” 

University of KwaZulu-Natal research institute KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform (Krisp) will be a part of conducting the research. 

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