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South Africa

Infighting within NW ANC blamed for challenges in municipalities

───   07:34 Sun, 26 Jan 2020

Infighting within NW ANC blamed for challenges in municipalities | News Article

The ANC in the North West has blamed fighting among its deployees at municipalities for the instability in local governance.

Fifteen municipalities have been placed under administration in the past two years due to poor service delivery, financial mismanagement and maladministration.

Co-ordinator of the ANC Interim Provincial Committee, Hlomane Chauke spoke on the sidelines of the party’s North West Lekgotla in Rustenburg.

“Mostly dysfunctioning (of the municipalities) is caused by non-functioning of caucuses of the ANC, instability in those caucuses, infighting that is happening, the involvement of councillors in the procurement of projects that are supposed to benefit our people and business people outside. “

Meanwhile, South African Communist Party Provincial Secretary Madoda Sambatha says all municipalities that are under administration, have not yet put their houses in order.

“The current municipalities under Section 139 are not yet ready to be on their own. The province must do all that is possible and ensure that they are strengthened. But not only strengthened, ensure that there’s a direct link between municipalities and communities.”


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