Kimberley high school reintroduces rugby with convincing win─── CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 13:54 Thu, 25 Apr 2024

“After approximately 15 years of being out of the rugby world, Floors High School has finally returned.”
After approximately 15 years of being out of the rugby scene, Floors High School in Kimberley finally returned, and with an exceptional win in their first game when they beat Homevale High School 17-10.
“The decision to reintroduce the sport in the school was likely made to provide learners with an opportunity to participate in a popular and physically engaging activity, promote team spirit and sportsmanship, and possibly to revive a tradition or legacy associated with the sport at the school,” said Frances Baard rugby region chairperson, Romeo Syfers.
Upon mentioning reintroducing the sport to the school, Romeo and Floors High rugby coach Jeandre Fraipont realised that there was a desire amongst the learners for the sport to be reintroduced at school. However, other efforts were made, such as promoting the sport, to get more students interested in participating.
Launch of the rugby team at Floors High School. Picture supplied
The community has been supportive and excited about the new venture, especially since their first victory. “This initial victory would have been an encouraging start for the team and likely generated excitement and support among the players and the school community,” Romeo said.
The school has two rugby teams and is working on getting more boys to join in. Romeo also mentioned that they plan to introduce a female rugby team one day to foster a sense of equality amongst the students.