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Conspiracy Corner – Apparently, Jeffrey Epstein isn't dead

───   15:46 Wed, 24 Jan 2024

Conspiracy Corner – Apparently, Jeffrey Epstein isn't dead | News Article
Photo: ebaumsworld.com

Yep! That's what the latest conspiracy seems to elude to, he isn't dead, he is instead a "300-year-old vampire. Where's the proof? Well, the US dollar bill might have the answer.

Yes! That's what the latest conspiracy seems to elude to, he isn't dead, he is instead a "300-year-old vampire. Where's the proof? Well, the US dollar bill might have the answer.


According to ebaumsworld.com, a new theory insinuate that Epstein isn’t just alive, but has been for the last 300 or more years – as former president Andrew Jackson. As with Epstein, Andrew Jackson was a despicable person responsible for personal and war crimes alike. And although there are no records of any sexual malpractice, his administration was rocked by scandals of bigamy and coverups.

After making its way over to Twitter, other people drew a connection between Epstein and Bavaria’s King Ludwig II in the late 1800s. Labeled “the Mad King,” Ludwig II’s death was also shrouded in mystery; officially, but not publicly considered a suicide. Andrew Jackson’s image is in the process of being phased off the $20 bill in favor of Harriet Tubman, but his likeness to Epstein might just be the last nail in the atrocious seventh president’s coffin. A 300-year-old vampire’s coffin that is. 

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