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Conspiracy Corner: Elvis Presley 'appeared' in Home Alone

───   15:46 Wed, 18 Jan 2023

Conspiracy Corner: Elvis Presley 'appeared' in Home Alone | News Article
Macaulay Culkin plays 8-year-old Kevin in the 1990 classic movie Home Alone. IMAGE: imbd.com

Every movie has it's own conspiracy theory, right? But what if we told you this one reckons that Elvis, who died in 1977, appeared in a movie that was released in 1990!

Some of the best family movies are the ones normally released around Christmas time. One of these fan favorites is Home Alone. 

Released in 1990, Home Alone tells a story of a boy, Kevin, who is left home alone over Christmas as his family goes overseas for the holidays. Throughout the movie, we see how 8-year old Kevin fights to keep his house safe from the neighborhood robbers. Now that you have some back story, let's get into the real reason you are here, the conspiracy involving Home Alone.

According to conspiracy theorists, there might have been a celebrity that played and extra in the movie. It is believed that in the airport scene where Kevin's mother Kate (played by Catherine O'Hara) is trying to get a plane back home and ends up shouting at the airline assistant, is a man who weirdly resembles the late Elvis Presley.

According to mirror, although the extra sports a full beard, a number of viewers have noted certain similarities in his facial features - especially around the eyes - and claim this as 'evidence' that 'the king' was still alive and well in the early 1990s.

Spotting this supposedly mysterious figure has become just as much a part of the Home Alone viewing experience as shouting 'Kevin!' out loud during that iconic plane scene. This year, once again, viewers have taken to social media to share their puzzling theories. Read more on this story by clicking here

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