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Weird Wide Web - Daddy baby-brain is real!

───   15:09 Tue, 11 Oct 2022

Weird Wide Web - Daddy baby-brain is real! | News Article
Photo: Cast of ABC Family TV Series Baby Daddy

Scientists have found that the brains of new fathers shrink slightly when their babies are born. Scientists have found that the alterations happen to the organ when a child is welcomed and areas that help males care for their new-borns develop.

The thought of being a first-time dad, scary at first, but eventually becomes one of the most amazing things in a man's life. As time goes, the love and adoration fathers show to their kids grows even more, sometimes even leaving people wondering if he is letting the child get away with murder because he is blinded by love. 

But what if we tell you there might be a scientific reason for this? It might not explain much about turning a blind eye to misbehavior, but it could explain some of the weird things fathers do.

Femalefirst recently published an article that states that new fathers' brains shrink slightly when their babies are born.  The "daddy baby-brain" physically changes the areas that are linked to empathy and visual processing to allow for a better emotional connection. The study compared brain scans from 40 new fathers to those of childless men.

Photo: todaysparent (@MissAuty_Baby via Twitter)

Also Read: Weird Wide Web - The one video game you wouldn't want to play!

Professor Darby Saxbe, of the University of Southern California, said: "Becoming a parent entails changes to your lifestyle and your biology.

"It requires new skills like being able to empathise with a nonverbal infant. So it makes sense, but has not been proven, the brain would be particularly plastic during the transition to parenthood. It might suggest higher-order cognitive processing involved in fatherhood."

If this tickled your interest a bit, then read more on the article here and should you require more information, we found another article that further explains it. You can find this article by clicking here. Clearly the changes are all good right? This explains why fathers tend to be so soft towards their children, especially their daughters, they are their "dad's little princesses" for life.


Weird Wide Web - Daddy baby-brain is real!:

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